Our latest poll on fragment
libraries suggests the field is settling into some standard practices. The poll
ran from April 9 through May 26. Of the 59 participants, all but one answered
all the questions (there was one skip for the last question). This is slightly
down from previous years; perhaps people are sick of internet polls? We also
don’t know how many organizations the respondents represent; it is possible
several people voted from one company or university, which might skew the
results. Nonetheless, we think this survey gives a reasonable snapshot of how
people construct and maintain fragment libraries.
Our first question asked about
library size, and the results are similar to when we last asked this question
in 2018, with the average library having between 1001 and 2000 fragments.
Next, we asked about the size of
fragments themselves, specifically the minimum and maximum number of
non-hydrogen atoms allowed in a fragment. The minimum hasn’t really changed
from 2018, averaging 7-8 heavy atoms. However, the fraction of respondents who
include the tiniest fragments has doubled (albeit from a low number), perhaps
due to increasing interest in MiniFrags and MicroFrags.
Unlike in 2018, the maximum size
of fragments seems to be bimodal, with some folks drawing the line at 15-16
heavy atoms (consistent with this analysis from Astex) while others allow
larger fragments. It will be interesting to see whether this bifurcation
represents a true shift, though even fragments with 22 heavy atoms are likely
to be under 300 Da, consistent with the rule of three, which is twenty years
old this year.
We then asked about the presence
of chiral molecules. There was little change from 2017, with most respondents
stating that they have racemic compounds in their library, though there was a
slight increase in the number of respondents excluding chiral fragments.
Although some changes are
noticeable over the years, it seems that best practices have been established
and widely adopted in fragment library design. What do you think – does
anything surprise you?
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