The researchers assembled a library of 775 fragments, 500
from Maybridge and most of the rest from Sigma-Aldrich and Acros. These were
combined into 143 pools of 4 to 8 fragments, each at 100 mM in DMSO. Crystals
of RT grown with the drug rilpivirine were soaked with each of the pools;
rilpivirine stabilizes the protein and yields crystals that diffract to high
resolution. The researchers also added 80 mM arginine and 6% trimethylamine
N-oxide (TMAO) to the soaking solutions; arginine helped solublize some of the
more hydrophopic fragments and improved electron density, while TMAO improved
Overall, the researchers found 34 fragments that bound to
HIV RT, a hit rate just over 4%. Interestingly, halogenated fragments seemed to
give a much higher hit rate: 7 of 29 fluorine-containing fragments produced
structures, as did 4 of the 17 brominated fragments and one of the two
chlorinated fragments. I don’t recall seeing halogens previously
over-represented among fragment hits, though last year we did write about
halogen-enriched fragment libraries. The sample sizes reported here are small, but
if the findings hold up in other studies, fluorine fetishism may be further justified.
But just as interesting as the composition of the fragment
hits is the number of binding sites in the protein: 16, with names ranging from
the descriptive (“NNRTI Adjacent” and “Incoming Nucleotide Binding”) to the
concise (“399”) to the downright thuggish (“Knuckles”). In the case of three of
these sites, some of the fragments also inhibited enzymatic activity.
There is a lot of nice information here, and eight
co-crystal structures have been deposited in the protein data bank. Still, I am
left a bit dizzy at the sheer number of sites. In fact, one fragment
(4-bromopyrazole) bound to all of the 16 sites! What are we to make of this –
is this a privileged fragment or a promiscuous binder? And as for the sites
with no known functional activity, are these useful? What do you think?