Say you have a protein target, and you want to know whether
you will be able to find small molecules that bind to it. A fragment screen can
give you a good idea as to the likelihood of success: if you find lots of
different fragments with high affinities (say, better than < 0.1 mM), your
protein is likely to be highly “
ligandable.” On the other hand, if you get very
few fragments, and most of them are weak (> 1mM), be prepared for a slog.
Of course, it would be even better if you didn’t have to do
a physical screen at all, and two recent papers show how a computational
approach may be sufficient. The
first, by Dima Kozakov, Sandor Vajda, and their
collaborators at Boston University and Acpharis is a detailed how-to guide in
Nature Protocols. The
second, in
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA by Dima
Kozakov, Adrian Whitty, and Sandor Vajda and their collaborators at Boston
University, Northeastern University, and Acpharis, addresses some interesting
questions about fragment binding.
The main program is called
FTMap (also highlighted
here); it
and several related programs are accessible through a free web server. It is
remarkably easy to use: just provide a protein data bank (
PDB) ID or upload
your own structure and away it goes.
The program works by docking a set of 16 virtual probes (such
as ethanol, acetonitrile, acetamide – the largest molecule is benzaldehyde)
against a protein and looking for “
hot spots” where many fragments cluster.
Previously the researchers demonstrated that known ligand-binding sites in
proteins tend to be computational hot spots, where at least 16 probes bind.
(Note that due to their small size, multiple probes of the same type – acetone,
for example – can bind within the same hot spot simultaneously.) In other words,
The strongest hot spot
tends to bind many different fragment structures, acting as a general
On the other hand, a hot spot with fewer probe molecules is unlikely
to have enough inherent binding affinity to bind to ligands with low micromolar
or better affinity.
A related program is called
FTSite, which focuses on more
thoroughly characterizing the best binding sites. Other programs allow for
protein side chain flexibility, docking custom probes, or docking against ensembles
of protein models such as generated by NMR structural methods.
PNAS paper
goes further to ask about ligand deconstruction. Specifically, why is it that
when a larger ligand is dissected into component fragments,
sometimes the
fragments recapitulate the binding modes seen in the larger molecule, and
sometimes they do
not? The answer:
Because a substantial
fraction of the binding free energy is due to protein-ligand interactions within
the main hot spot, a fragment that overlaps well with this hot spot and retains
the interacting functional groups will retain its binding mode when the rest of
the ligand is removed.
The researchers support this assertion by examining eight
literature examples in which structural information was available for fragments
and larger ligands (some of which we’ve covered
here, and
here). In cases
where the isolated fragments overlapped with 80% of atoms in probe molecules
within a given hot spot, the fragment binding mode remained conserved. Also,
these fragments tended to have high
ligand efficiency values.
This is neat stuff, and it will be fun to see how
general it is. I’m especially happy to see that all of the software is free and
open access. Even though I’m hardly a computational chemist, I tried playing
around with it and found it remarkably fast and easy to use. So if you have a
protein with no known ligands, FTMap can find hot spots, and if they’re
particularly promising, this should embolden experimental work.