The researchers started with a microbial RAD51 homolog that
had been humanized by mutagenesis; the human protein itself is unstable and
difficult to work with. They performed a thermal screen with 1249 fragments.
Thermal denaturation has been criticized for producing noisy data, and indeed,
96 fragments produced complex, uninterpretable results. However, the two best
fragments both contained an indole core and were confirmed to bind by STD-NMR.
Competition experiments confirmed that these two fragments
competed with a short peptide containing the critical phenylalanine, indicating
that they bound at the desired spot. ITC revealed that they had dissociation
constants around 2 mM. Their binding modes were also confirmed
The researchers then used one of these fragments as a probe
in a round of STD-NMR experiments, in which they examined 42 fragments to see
whether any of these could compete away the first fragment. This led to two new
hits, both slightly more potent than the initial ones.
One of these new fragments was then used as a probe in another round of STD-NMR experiments
with 120 fragments chosen as analogs or by in-silico screening. This led to
four additional fragments, some of which had sub-millimolar affinities and good
ligand efficiencies. All 6 of the new fragments from the two STD-NMR screens
were characterized crystallographically and found to bind at the same site as
the original indole fragments, though with some subtle differences that could
be exploited for further elaboration.
This is a nice, thorough example of fragment discovery in
academia. As the authors conclude:
Investment in a
platform of orthogonal biophysical assays and screens is crucial for
progression into a programme of medicinal chemistry. The elaboration of poorly
validated hits not only has a high likelihood of failure, but without a variety
of robust assays in place, the risk of being misled by badly behaving compounds
Of course, these are still relatively weak fragments, but
I’ve heard one of the authors speak at a conference in which he stated that
they’ve been able to advance these to nanomolar leads with cell activity. Stay
Bravo! Well done.