21 July 2009

Fragments in Japan

We missed this meeting in our last events list, but Daisuke Tanaka of Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma reports on LinkedIn that:

On June 22, FBDD researchers from 11 Japanese pharmas/biotechs got together in hot and humid Tokyo. This one-day meeting, hosted by a crystallography-based CRO PharmAxess (www.pharmaxess.com) and an in silico-based CRO PharmaDesign (www.pharmadesign.co.jp/eng), started in the morning with reviews of benefits and techniques of FBDD, and then culminated in the afternoon with enthusiastic discussions on a non-confidential basis. The aim of this unofficial meeting was to share experienced problem-and-solution cases while carrying out FBDD, rather than reporting success stories in a conference fashion. Finally, it was adopted unanimously that the meeting should be held periodically once or twice a year.

Daisuke is organizing the next meeting – we’ll post the date and location as soon as we know (and everyone please contact us about other upcoming fragment events).

It’s great to see the field becoming more collaborative and international. Although the symposium proposals for Pacifichem 2010 are already set, perhaps a FBDD track at Pacifichem 2015 will give the fragment community an excuse to get together in Hawaii!

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