11 June 2009

Hidden Talent Pool

I have a question for the followes/readers here. Is there a hidden talent pool of recent Ph.Ds who have training in FBDD and can immediately walk into a pharmaceutical company? I am aware of two companies that had openings for FBDD people. Both companies wanted only freshly minted Ph.Ds or just post-doctoral experience. There is a big and deep (and obviously more expensive) pool of FBDD out there who would jump for these jobs.

I was also under the impression that industrial post-docs were largely a thing of the past. So, two questions: 1. are there academic programs/labs who are specifically training NMR-FBDD people, and more in general FBDD practitioners at all? 2. If not, are jobs like these a way for management to dip their toe in the water without actually resourcing FBDD efforts?


  1. I am a fresh PhD student, about to finish, worked on comptuter-aided drug design. I am looking for any internship on FBDD. Can you please help me out.
    Thanking you in advance.

  2. Michèle SchulzJune 24, 2009 9:15 AM

    we, the PhDs from YSBL working with Rod Hubbard, are all trained in FBDD in general (NMR, SPR, X-ray, CC).
